Club Penguin News And Cheats
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Cp cheats...

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Cp cheats... Empty Cp cheats...

Post  Zeenia_cpfan Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:29 am

Hey friends... here are some cp cheats...

hey friends... here are a list of cp cheats for all of you to know..

Friendship Bracelet
Go to the coffee shop and then go upstairs to the book room. Open up the bookshelf and click on the book called Rockhopper and the Stowaway. Flip to the back up the book and click on the friendship bracelet to get it.

Make Aqua Grabber Easy
When playing Aqua Grabber, bring a pink puffle with you. If you run out of air during the game, it will give you a bubble to fill up your air.

Walk on Water
There are a few spots in the game where your penguin can walk on water. One of them is the Iceberg, right next to the Aqua Grabber Sub. The other is near the wooden dock at the beach.

Throw Fast Snow Balls
Throw fast snow balls by pressing T and then clicking your mouse button very quickly. Keep repeating the cycle. Press T and click over and over again and your penguin will go hyper with snowballs.

Walk around room while playing a multi-player game
This is one of those Club Penguin cheats that is fun to show off to friends. You can walk around the room while playing one of the multi-player games like Mancala or Find Four.

1.Go and Play either mancala or find four.
2.While playing, click and open Penguin Mail.
3.Then close Penguin Mail.
4.Click anywhere around the room and you will be able to walk around the room, while playing the game.

Astro Barrier Expert Levels
To enter the expert level, wait 30 seconds between level 30 and 31. Then shoot the blue ship that appears.

Rockhopper’s Key
Go to the Coffee shop and then go upstairs to the Book Room. Open up the book shelf and click on the Journal of Captain Rockhopper. Go to the back of the book, and you will find the key.

Pizza Tron 3000 Secret Dessert Level
To enter the secret dessert level, click on the level that is found at the start menu. All of the normal toppings will be replaced with candy toppings.

Wave Very Fast
Click (W) on your keyboard several times in a row to wave fast.

hope you all enjoy doing these cheats....

Posts : 171
Join date : 2010-04-22

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Cp cheats... Empty Re: Cp cheats...

Post  god Fri Apr 30, 2010 2:17 pm

This will help new pengies.

Posts : 127
Join date : 2010-04-21

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Cp cheats... Empty Re: Cp cheats...

Post  Zeenia_cpfan Sun May 16, 2010 9:35 am

it will surely help...

Posts : 171
Join date : 2010-04-22

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