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RH and tips on finding him

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RH and tips on finding him Empty RH and tips on finding him

Post  god Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:34 pm

1. Rockhopper is a red penguin who is slightly larger then the average penguin. Rockhopper wears a black beard and pirate hat.

rockhopper « Club Penguin Cheats

2. If you see lots of penguins on a server wearing the color red, then Rockhopper may have been on, or he may still be on that server.

3. Rockhopper usually spends 10 – 15 minutes on a server.

4. Rockhopper is most likely to be at the Dock, Ship Hold, Beach, Plaza, and the Pizza Parlor. He’s usually on at times when many penguins are on. Though he sometimes comes on at night when their are very few penguins on.

5. Rockhopper is mainly found on the servers: Mammoth, Frozen, Mittens, Rocky Road, and on other highly populated servers.

6. Rockhopper is a Club Penguin owned account.

Locate and find Rockhopper on your own by using the tips below:

1. Check all the (popular) servers. Servers that aren’t normally full, but are currently full may be a sign that he’s on.

2. Check the Dock, Beach, Migrator, Ship Hold, Plaza, and or the Pizza Parlor for Rockhopper. He will most likely be found on the Migrator.

3. If a room appears to be full, try to get in.

4. If you see all kinds of penguins on a server shouting Rockhopper, it’s probably a sign that he is on somewhere.

5. If you see penguins walking around wearing the color red, then Rockhopper may be on.

If you meet Rockhopper, click on his playercard and get the gift that he gives. Usually it’s a Rockhopper background or eyepatch, but he may decide to bring something new this time!

All credits to

Posts : 127
Join date : 2010-04-21

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RH and tips on finding him Empty Re: RH and tips on finding him

Post  holly_rox2 Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:06 am

hey...... cool tips and hints! it will be easier to find RH! happy cp

Posts : 11
Join date : 2010-04-20

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RH and tips on finding him Empty Re: RH and tips on finding him

Post  god Thu Apr 22, 2010 2:17 pm

This will also help new pengies.

Posts : 127
Join date : 2010-04-21

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RH and tips on finding him Empty Re: RH and tips on finding him

Post  Zeenia_cpfan Fri Apr 23, 2010 6:15 am

awesome post!

Posts : 171
Join date : 2010-04-22

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